Records Office Delivery Address

BC companies have a Registered and Records Office Address (mailing and delivery) as part of their record at the Corporate Registry. These addresses are public information any change to them must be filed immediately with the Corporate Registry.

A company's records office is the location where all the records for the company are kept. The delivery address must be for a location in BC that is accessible to the public between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on business days for the delivery of records. The address must not be a post office box.

Select option [a] if the delivery address is the address displayed.

Select option [b] if the delivery address is a different address.

Enter the records office delivery address including at least one address line and the city.



The directors, officers and shareholders of the company may inspect the company's records.  The general public may also inspect some of the company's records.  The inspection of records may be done between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on regular business days.


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