To start the filing, you must enter the following information to prove that you are authorized to complete transactions on behalf of the company.

Step 1










Enter the company's incorporation number OR business number

Incorporation Number

This number is assigned at the time of incorporation and is located at the top right hand corner of the Certificate of Incorporation, Amalgamation, Continuation or Change of Name previously sent out to the company.   It is also printed on the annual report reminders that are sent to the company each year.  These documents are stored at the company's records office.   

Business Number

Your Business Number would be displayed as a 15 character identifier, for example: 82123 5679 RC 0001 on any document received from the Canada Revenue Agency.  The first nine numbers uniquely identify your business - it's those numbers we need.

If you have a BC OnLine account, you can find the incorporation number and the business number by searching the list of corporate names on the register.


Step 2

Enter the access code OR the company password

Access Code

If you have received a paper copy of the Annual Report Reminder the company's access code is located in Box C.  If you have received an Annual Report Reminder in an email the company's access code is displayed in the message.

If you have requested a reminder,  it is sent to the company in advance of its anniversary date.  

If you do not have the access code, you can enter the company password if one has already been created for the company.

Company Password

If you have forgotten the company password you can view the password hint, if one exists, by clicking "Forgot the company password?".  If there is no password hint, or the password hint does not help, you can then have the password sent to the company's registered office mailing address or email address.

If you have not yet created a password for the company, you can do so by clicking "Want to create a company password?".


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